Goji berries are considered to be an herbal supplement
- Many people claim that their gout attacks were prevented with just drinking an ounce of goji juice a day.
- Many people claim that goji berries helped them with their Type 2 Diabetes in maintaining their blood glucose level in just a month of taking an ounce daily.
- Many people claim that their skin improved; mostly their warts decreasing and their skin becomes softer and more supple.
- Many people claim that occurrence of their back pain becomes lesser even to those who underwent back surgery, who have to take pain relievers, and who have to see chiropractors. Most of them got 95% improvement in their condition in just three months ofgoji juice intake
- Many people claim that goji berries juice have helped them in lowering their blood cholesterol and triglycerides in less than a year with at least two ounces a day.
Goji berries has been known as a staple remedy for more than 2,000 years used by traditional Chinese people as a medicine. It’s even tagged as the “longevity fruit”, as these red berries have immune-enhancing properties.
Goji berries helps our immune system remarkably, Our body’s immune system